Informative Searches

Wikipedia defines informative searches as “requests that treat a broad topic (for example, terms such as ‘New York’ or ‘car’), for which probably thousands of relevant results could be listed.” If someone enters an informative search request into Google, they are primarily looking for pure information. They probably are not looking for a specific website, such as is the case with a navigational search request, nor do they want to buy something. They merely want to get the answer to their question.

Specific use of informative searches

Informative searches are usually difficult to monetize. Google is aware of this and that is why Google is utilizing the knowledge graph to address these types of searches. The best way to specifically use informative searches, is to create high-quality content that is relative to the request and provides actually useful information. Wikipedia is, for example, a prime example of how good basic information and reliable sources can be processed and with an extremely broad range of topics. That is probably the reason why Wikipedia ranks among the top on the SERPs in almost half of all searches (but that could also be due to its exceptional link profile).

Useful tip

Wikipedia leaves a lot of search terms open to get to information. This is the point where you come into play! Create useful content on your site and try to get a link from Wikipedia. If you succeed, you could also benefit from informative queries and get visitors to your site.

The goal should be, however, to position your own webpage as a trusted source for specific information and to be considered an expert in your field. Because if a user got informed on your website on a particular topic, it is very likely that they will come back and maybe even buy your product. In general, it increases usually not only your image, but can also lead to satisfied users who may then also recommend your site (link, social signal).