B2B Marketing

B2B Marketing (short for: business to business) refers to specific marketing activities that concern the relationship between two companies or organizations and specifically, industrial or capital goods, which is why it is also called industrial marketing.

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Definition and peculiarities

B2B marketing is in contrast to B2C marketing, which mainly targets end customers. Although B2B marketing utilizes similar methods, several special aspects or peculiarities must be considered. Consumers make their purchase decisions often more spontaneously and not necessarily rationally. Mass advertising, that awakens and amplifies needs or desires, hits straight into the bull’s-eye here.


Entrepreneurs, however usually have to comply to rather lengthy processes, for example in regard to requests for tenders, the solicitation of written offers, approval from management and more. The purchasers in companies usually do not act on spontaneous impulses when purchasing, especially since they do not buy for their own needs. They generally deliberate first which business partners they will choose.


B2B marketing is usually targeted to a much smaller clientele and personal contact is very important here. Mass advertising therefore plays a rather subordinate role in this marketing sector.


The products are different to B2C marketing as well. While in “business to consumer,” predominantly simple, almost self-explanatory products are marketed, the products in B2B marketing usually need further explanation.

The advertisement must therefore not only attract the interest of decision-makers, but also communicate the benefits and features of a product or service. Moreover, business customers usually expect additional or related services, including installation, training and other after-sales services.


In B2B marketing, online marketing is becoming more and more important. B2B marketing actions are similar to those of B2C marketing, even if in principle they take a different approach. Possible actions include:


The professionalism of the website is of utmost importance in B2B marketing. All communication channels run through here.

E-mail Marketing

Since the decision-making processes are quite lengthy in many companies, it is important to regularly remind them about one’s business. An attractively designed newsletter with added value can realize this.

Social media channels

All of the company’s activities should be disseminated via the major social media channels. Additionally, business owners should also look at the bigger picture and post information from the industry. Content curation is an important component of B2B marketing.

Content marketing

Content marketing has now also arrived in B2B Marketing. Entrepreneurs should be sure to spread real value and useful information. There are a variety of tactics for content marketing, including blogs, mobile marketing, and video content.