Facebook Carousel Ads

Facebook Carousel Ads are adverts that contain three to five images and links. They are displayed on different devices as adverts, and are organized with the Facebook Business Manager. Facebook Carousel Ads can be created in Facebook's Advertising Manager and delivered to the social network. They can also be edited using tools such as Powereditor and Create.

Carousel ads are designed to lead users to different parts of a website, to enable them to download apps and to support the branding and management of companies. They are suitable both as direct response ads and as part of a branding campaign.

General information

Facebook has been offering Carousel Ads since June 2014. Before, they were called Multi-Product-Ads. Facebook itself conducted a study of 9000 advertisers to verify effectiveness. Compared to standard link ads, Carousel ads reduce costs per acquisition by between 30% and 50%. The costs per click can also be reduced by 20% to 30%.[1] By combining a maximum of five images with links, advertisers can advertise different products, services, events and insights into the company without paying for multiple advertisements.


Basically, different aspects of a company can be presented and highlighted with Facebook Carousel Ads. The platform allfacebook. de presents some innovative possibilities.

  • Three to five products can be integrated into an advertisement. Ideally, the Carousel Ad contains a teaser text and a corporate design so that the USP of the offer can be communicated and a certain recognition value is present.
  • There are also often different perspectives for a product. Only one product is presented, but this is shown from different angles - for example, to highlight details.
  • If a conference, trade fair or similar is advertised, the speakers of the event plus Keynote titles can be integrated into a Carousel Ad instead of products. New employees of a company, graduates or passed final examinations can also be introduced in this way.
  • Anyone who runs a blog can also advertise it with Carousel Ads, for example by making individual blog posts into an advertisement. The presentation of themes, categories or articles on trends is also possible in this way.
  • Another possibility is the integration of tutorials, guides and advice texts. Using three to five steps, important findings can be illustrated so that the recipients can easily understand the contents.
  • Games, surveys and storytelling in different versions are also possible.


Practical Use

Facebook recommends adhering to certain design guidelines so that the Carousel ads can also be presented in an optimized way on different devices. [2]

  • Images should be scaled to 600 x 600 pixels.
  • The teaser text should not contain more than 90 characters.
  • The title of an image should not exceed 40 characters.
  • The description of the link must not be longer than 20 characters.
  • In addition, images must not contain more than 20% of text.

In addition to the optical properties of Carousel Ads, content criteria can also help to increase the effectiveness of advertisements. Target groups can be selected, for example, to display the ads only to specific groups of people and users. In this way, you can not only control campaigns, but also carry out retargeting.

Significance for Social Media Marketing

Facebook's advertising format increases the effectiveness of delivering ads and reduces costs. At the same time, marketers are given a wide variety of options to attract the attention of recipients. Carousel Ads offer insights from different perspectives - whether it is a product or a sequence of other images. The interaction rates of Carousel Ads are correspondingly high - which is why the costs per acquisition and the costs per click can be reduced with Carousel Ads.

The technologies behind it are also the reason why Facebook has a great deal to do with the rules of social media marketing. [3] For example, Carousel Ads automatically pre-sorts the images according to their performance, therefore if desired, the most clicked images and links can be found at the top of the ad. Also, the so-called ad sequencing, in which the reach and frequency for advertisements can be defined, and the custom audiences for exact targeting are reasons for Facebook's current technological leadership in the field of advertising on social networks.


  1. Show more content in one advert facebook.com. Accessed on July 20, 2015
  2. Clicks on the website: Carousel facebook.com. Accessed on July 20, 2015
  3. Three Facebook Ad Technologies Quietly Changing the Game mediapost.com. Accessed on July 20, 2015
