Fanpage Karma

Fanpage Karma is a web-based Webanalytics-Tool with which social media activities can be analyzed. This can be for your own projects or channels, or for that of your competition. Fanpage Karma is particularly useful for planning your social media marketing campaigns.


Fanpage Karma was launched in 2012 by two Online Marketing experts from Berlin. Their main motivation was that it was not possible to interpret or analyze facebook fanpages or other social media channels, and thus no possibility of optimizing them based on data analysis. With Fanpage Karma, the founders Nicolas Graf von Kanitz and Stephan Eyl overcame this disadvantage, and today, the company is one of the worldwide leading providers in the field of social media marketing tools.


Whoever creates a user account with Facebook Karma can analyze and compare an unlimited number of fanpages, profiles and social media channels. The following functions are possible:

  • Analysis of fans’ origins
  • Analysis of pages on which fans or followers of a social media channel are currently active
  • Checking the pages with postings
  • Evaluation of postings in terms of reach, likes etc
  • Tagging Facebook posts for later content analysis
  • Comparison of multiple social media accounts
  • Analysis of the competition
  • Exporting data

Significance for marketing

Social Media’s role in marketing is becoming increasingly more significant. If online shops or companies want to be active on social media, it’s important on the one hand that all social media activities are part of a general strategy, and on the other hand that these activities can be analyzed. With Facebook Karma, marketing managers have a tool which they can use to plan and analyze activities, also with the help of KPIs. The tool is also ideal for analyzing the competition or benchmark comparisons and it goes a lot further than the statistics offered by Facebook. A further advantage is that Fanpage Karma can also be used for other Social Media channels, not just for Facebook.

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