Google Alerts

Google Alerts are automatically generated email notifications related to a specific search term. Google Alerts are sent to the email address of a Gmail account if the user has defined a search term and subscribed to the messages. Google Alerts can be used to observe media and opinions.


If the user already has a Gmail account, it is possible to create a Google Alert directly. First, a search query is entered in order to limit the results under certain circumstances. Alerts are sent to an email if the search queries is mentioned online. The frequency and number of alerts can also be determined.

With Google Alerts, [User|users]] receive current information from the web that pertains to the interest specified in their search terms. This allows you to track your own products and their reviews or to obtain news about a competitor or other companies. Basically, alerts can display everything that is related to the entered keywords. It is recommended that you define several alerts or several keywords, depending on your industry and activity.[1]

Every email that Google Alerts automatically sends contains at least one link to an article (such as a press release) that matches the search term that the user entered. If there are several current news items, they are displayed in a list of links in the mail. Each article usually opens in a new tab when you click on it.

Google Alerts can be created, edited and deleted at Deleting or marking Google Alerts as irrelevant is possible within the received mail. We also recommend that you edit the various factors such as frequency, source, language, region, number and email address to create Google Alerts to suit your requirements. [2]

Significance to SEO

Google Alerts have an indirect significance to search engine optimization. It can be classified as an analysis and monitoring tool. Similar to a feed that collects data on a specific topic, alerts provide important information about which topics are current and popular on the web. This data can be used to align the content of campaigns. Google Alerts can also serve as input for issue management.

Another option is reputation management: If you enter your company or product name in the search mask when setting up an alert, the result will be valuable feedback that can serve as a basis for press and public relations work. This feedback can also be used to monitor changes in Google's results lists. In this case, Google Alerts can be used as direct feedback on your own activities on the web and in the area of search engine optimization.


  1. Google Alerts Accessed on 11/26/2014
  2. More about Google Alerts Accessed on 11/24/2014
