Search Query

A search query is an entry by an Internet user into a search engine such as Google or Bing. Within the context of a search query, individual terms or longer phrases, entered by a user, can be filtered and the results listed by algorithms. Which websites are listed on top and what criteria is used depends on the relevance of each page. Meta search engines summarize the results of multiple search engines.

Search engine ranking

Each search engine contains millions of websites. These are assigned a more or less high weighting according to content design. Criteria for this would be, for example, on-page factors (such as the inclusion of keywords that are explicitly or implicitly queried), the inclusion of media elements, or how large the comprehensive network of generic links to relevant pages is. Case sensitivity is not yet a factor for search queries because Google interprets all keywords in lowercase. To make the semantic search even more accurate, case sensitivity could become more important to Google in the future.


The goal of modern search engine optimization is to have your own website appear for as many search requests as possible and as high as possible in the SERPs. This does not just concern searches which explicitly target your website. An attempt is made to increase the relevance of your website in searches for a particular product so that your site will be shown before the websites of the competition.

Types of search queries

Generally, there are three different types of search queries, which are explained in individual articles:


Due to the seemingly endless number of possible search terms, it is of great importance for search engine optimization to conduct a thorough analysis of possible search queries. Targeted optimization measures are only possible if you can assess which search terms are used by potential visitors to your site. Since 2003, Google has processed more than 450 billion search queries. That is over a billion search queries a day and 20 percent of that have never been posed before.

Search trends can be determined from search queries, for example, Google Insights for Search or Google Trends. This can be important for search engine optimization, since search trends can be picked up and incorporated into website content.

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