
Linkerati refers to a person on the Internet that can reach many other people with their articles because of their personality or position. If such a person links to another website, he is considered a linkerati in relation to that website.


A linkerati is defined as a person who communicates with a large number of other people. Such a person has a far reach and a large network. Similar to a social media campaign, linkeratis could be considered influential. Frequently it is opinion leaders whose posts have been given some weight in social media channels, forums or blogs. In an active forum where many users post and read, even a simple forum user can be a linkerati if he recommends or links the desired content.

Linkerati examples

There are many possible sources for linkeratis, for example,[1].:

  • Bloggers: They provide high-quality and especially topic-related links and at the same time high-quality traffic.
  • Forum users: The link power of forum links is somewhat controversial. The fact is, however, that links from topically relevant forums can generate very high-quality traffic.
  • Journalists: For journalists, it is irrelevant whether they operate online or offline. A link published as part of report in a print magazine or technical journal does not generate link power, but because of the perfect targeting, it does bring in high-quality traffic. If you manage to make an online journalist into a linkerati, powerful links may be generated in terms of link power.
  • Copywriters: Professional copywriters enrich their texts with trust links and links to further information. If they receive information on high-quality information about their special subjects, they may link to it in the future.
  • Viral opinion leaders: In times when social media is an important ranking factor, viral opinion leaders have gained importance as linkeratis. Fan pages with several thousand followers, celebrities, experts and many other personalities can serve as linkeratis because their posts have extensive reach.

Identifying linkeratis

Identifying and addressing a linkerati, may require a great deal of time and some personal commitment - this task should only be approached conditionally. You should first look around within your sector and identify individuals with influence, opinion leaders, and other potential linkeratis. It is important to network with these people.

The unannounced information on your own content will tend to be considered an annoyance, therefore any reference to it should always be preceded by a certain time of contact and familiarization. Linkeratis should be very specifically established and used. Multiple approaches are only conditionally possible because many people quickly feel exploited and harassed when they are regularly confronted with the personal needs of another and from which they do not benefit. It is also important that the linkerati can identify with the content, since after all, by linking he is actually giving a recommendation.

Relevance to search engine optimization

In the field of search engine optimization, linkeratis play a major role since classic link building is becoming increasingly difficult. A linkerati gives an opportunity to build natural links. Depending on the reach of ​​the person, it can also result in many more links if his followers continue to disseminate the content.


  1. Identifying the Linkerati. Accessed on 01/10/2014