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Free ebook: The Introductory Guide to Search Engine Optimization in 2017

Nowadays every company should be aware of how important search engine optimization is for their business. In this free ebook HubSpot & OnPage.org provide useful tips about what it takes to get better rankings for your website.

Every year, more than 2 trillion search queries are made on Google alone. That's hundreds of opportunities to get users onto your site per second. By optimizing your website for search engines, you can not only improve its ranking, and therefore be found by potential customers, but you can also create a better user experience. Meanwhile search engines are constantly upgrading and changing their criteria for good rankings. So what can you do to help your business get listed in search engines?

>> Get the free ebook here <<

OnPage.org and HubSpot have teamed up to help you build your SEO strategy from the ground up. From explaining how to search for keywords to helping you analyse your SEO performance, our free guide has everything you need to know to get started with SEO for business.

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What’s inside the ebook?

Starting out with more basic steps such as the in's and out's of how search engines work and moving on to more advanced aspects such as "How to structure your web pages for maximum OnPage SEO", you will get many handy tips about how to improve your website's accessibility and what it takes to get better rankings for your website.

Additionally you can learn

  • How to identify the keywords your target audience is searching for

  • Which performance indicators to track when analyzing SEO performance

  • The keys to developing a successful SEO strategy geared toward ROI

Don't forget: Search Engine Optimization is all about making your website more visible to people who are using search engines to look for your product, brand, or services. Let us guide you through the most important aspects of search engine optimization and master every task on your way to a neatly optimized website!

>> Get the free ebook here <<

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Published on Jan 17, 2017 by Eva Wagner