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The Monster of Website Optimization – The Internal Linking Monster

Sometimes, it seems like things just won’t work when you try to optimize your own website. An ALT tag is missing here, an improper canonical is placed there, and the loading time isn’t speeding up despite targeted measures.

If this "website optimization monster" seems familiar to you and you find yourself fighting it every day, this article if for you. Because there is almost always a fast and simple solution for these small nuisances. In our newest article series, we show you how you can fight the impertinent monster in just a few steps with the help of Ryte's software. Today, we'll get started with the chaotic monster of internal linking:

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Practical Example

You are operating an online shop for smartphones and would like to link from your category site www.exampleshop.com/smartphones/ to your individual product sites for various manufacturers (Apple, Samsung, Sony, etc.). But instead of meaningfully naming your anchor texts, each teaser area shows only "Click here" and "Continue." A typical attack by the internal linking monster.

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Figure 1: Example for a poor anchor text

Such errors of internal linking are common in

  • archive sites,

  • category sites,

  • or Blogs

Here, anchor texts are often used that contain neither keywords nor descriptive information on the link's target site.

The link text should consist of one or more words and contain relevant keywords so that search engines can more quickly grasp the topic of the linked site. Chose as meaningful as possible keyword combinations for your anchor text. This will help the reader understand what they can expect in the link.

Optimize Link Text with Ryte

With the help of Ryte, you can identify which anchor texts are affected by the monster in just a few steps. For this, in the module Website Success, click on "Links" > "Overview," and choose the report "Anchor Texts."

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Figure 2: The area "Links" in the Ryte module Website Success

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Figure 3: Link text report in Ryte's module Website Success

Using the target documents shown, you can create the link text with more relevant keywords and thereby vary it.

Example for a link text with keyword focus for our smartphone online shop:

Target document:


Possible anchor text:

All smartphones from Sony

Bonus tip: Also, be aware that you do not link different link goals with similar link texts. If two websites, whether they are thematically similar or not, are linked with anchor texts that use the same keywords; it is difficult for search engines to optimally evaluate these sites.


With the help of the above-named tips and features, Ryte will support you in the optimization of your internal linking. Do you want to know more about the monsters of website optimization? Have a look at the other articles in our series, and find out how to solve some of the most common SEO problems. In the 2nd article in this series, we show you how to tacke the slow page speed monster.

Happy Optimizing!

Have You Met the Other Monsters of Website Optimization?

The Slow Page Speed Monster
The Duplicate Content Monster
The Bad Canonical Tag Monster
The Orphan Page Monster
The 404 Monster
The Thin Content Monster
The Missing ALT Tags Monster
The Redirects Monster
The Hreflang Monster

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Published on May 10, 2017 by Eva Wagner