
A scroll map is a variation of a heat map. It displays in color any area of a website which is most looked at or how users scroll through a website.

General information

The first area of a website to be seen is the above the fold area. By “fold” is meant the fold line below which any content would be invisible and the area above it being the visible area of a website. Anything above the fold is recognizable at first glance. Everything below that becomes visible once you scroll down, i.e. pushes the scrollbar down or press the down arrow key. Generally, these areas get less attention from users. The scroll map provides graphic information about the scrolling behavior of users by highlighting in color those parts of a website which have been viewed. For example, red indicates high activity, yellow, average activity and blue little user interaction. By using a scroll map, webmasters and web analysts can identify which parts of a site are attractive.


Scroll maps collect data such as the movement of the scrollbar, mouse movements, or clicks on hyperlinks and highlights it in color. This is a web analytics tool that goes beyond the data provided by Google Analytics and related tools. Scroll Maps reveal not only where the mouse is at or what users have viewed, but also which areas of a website were not looked at, i.e. where a viewer has completed their search and perhaps found what they were looking for originally. [1] Depending on the tool used, a tracking code must be integrated in the website and, if applicable, the legal information such as data protection or the use of cookies must be revised.

Practical relevance

Some examples of tools that include scroll maps: [2]

  • CrazyEgg
  • Clicktale
  • SessionCam
  • Mouseflow

Importance for usability

Scroll maps give important insight into user behavior and point out frequently used areas of a website. Important content, key information and call-to-action buttons should therefore be placed in such a way as to match the data provided from the scroll map. The areas where users spend a lot of time or that get most of their attention should contain the key elements of the website. Scroll maps can also be used in conjunction with eye tracking, treemaps and other information about user behavior from Web analytics to make websites not only user friendly, but also promote conversion. Of note are page impressions, click paths, retention and bounce rate.


  1. The Benefits Of Heat Maps & Scroll Maps For Websites. Accessed on 06/21/2014
  2. Heatmap & scrollmap tracking. Accessed on 06/21/2014

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