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WUX Score Upgrade: Smarter Score, smarter You.

Our Website User Experience (WUX) Power Duo, the WUX Score and WUX Overview have hit a new level of genius, turning you into the website optimization champion you’re meant to be. With improved precision and greater customization in new filters and functions, you can now identify faster what your website needs for WUX perfection.

Ryte users know that surviving in the digital jungle means one thing: an exceptional Website User Experience (WUX). Period. The stakes are high with 70% of users ready to jump ship from a non-performant site. Fortunately, you have the power to thrive: The WUX Score and Overview are your allies in creating a stellar Website User Experience (WUX) that leaves a lasting impression.

The WUX Score and WUX Overview: Your Keys to WUX Perfection.

With the WUX Score and WUX Overview, it's effortless to understand which measures lead to an impressive Website User Experience (WUX). Together, they guide you to WUX perfection, covering everything from SEO and web performance to quality assurance, compliance, accessibility, and sustainability. We've got it all covered!

Discover comprehensive insights on the WUX Score and WUX Overview in our Product Insights article. Essentially, the WUX Score grades your Website User Experience (WUX) on a scale from 1 to 100, allowing you to quickly assess how well your website is designed to delight users and drive business growth. In the WUX Overview, we have transformed complex optimizations into easy-to-understand tasks that, once resolved, positively impact your WUX Score.

The WUX Score Upgrade: Innovation through User Feedback and Industry Expertise.

Fueled by your user feedback and our deep industry expertise, we're relentlessly innovating to ensure the WUX Score and Overview remain your go-to optimization tools. The result? An enhanced WUX Score and Overview, now featuring smarter analysis with customizable filters. Offering tailored control and a more precise roadmap for optimization strategies that align with your unique goals.

What's new?

  • Individual, more nuanced issue analysis: We've enhanced how your WUX Score reflects individual issues. By focusing on Issue Importance and Probability, we now provide a more accurate picture of your Website User Experience. If an issue is both common and high-priority, it will significantly impact your score. If it's a less frequent or less urgent issue, it won't overshadow the bigger picture. This means you will gain a more nuanced understanding of where to focus your improvements.

  • New, customizable issue management: We've further empowered our users with greater flexibility over issue management. You can now selectively choose to ignore individual issues or entire issue types, allowing you to flag false positives or issues deemed non-critical after manual review. This enhanced customization ensures that your project's score more accurately reflects the actual state of your Website User Experience.

  • Clear, trackable issue progress: Transparency is key to effective optimization. That's why we've introduced in the WUX Overview a list where you can follow new and resolved issues, providing insights into your progress in optimizing your website. This enhanced visibility allows you to track your efforts and celebrate milestones as you improve your Website User Experience.

  • Extended Issue Memory: Find in the new WUX Overview all your unresolved issues from the past 30 days, not only from the last crawl.

These three key upgrades will provide you with a clearer understanding of what drives impact for your business. Ryte’s continuous innovations are guided by this focused approach. With every update, our mission is to equip you with the insights and tools necessary to achieve measurable success.

So, what if your WUX Score dips after the next crawl, even though you haven't made any changes? Don't stress – this simply means our enhanced metrics have provided a more accurate reflection of your site's potential. It's not a step back but a precise blueprint for where to focus your optimization energy. Stay the course, keep fine-tuning!

Ryte users gain +93% clicks after 1 year. Learn how!

Published on Jul 30, 2024 by Editorial Team