Google Insights for Search

In 2008, Google introduced Google Insights for Search. It allowed users to measure and analyze Google search trends both geographically and quantitatively based on the history of search queries for specific search terms. In 2012, Google Insights for Search was integrated into Google Trends.

Additionally, Google has created Google Think Insights, a platform that can be used to find current trends. It is a helpful tool for planning marketing activities.

Functions and background

With the help of Google Insights for Search, search queries from 2004-present could be analyzed in two different axes. Search trends could be filtered by time and geographical areas. In this way, the model offered many possibilities to look at the development of organic search terms. In data collection practice, Google Insights for Search was also used for scientific purposes. For example, the spread of influenza epidemics could be evaluated and displayed with the help of the tool. In addition, Google Insights for Search was repeatedly used to forecast elections and Oscar winners. With Google Insights for Search, the company took advantage of its ability to retrieve statistical data relevant to search queries by mining its big data. In turn, Google used this know-how to leave some of its data to marketing experts. On the portal “Think with Google” [1] there are many examples of how the search engine giant’s data can be used meaningfully. At the same time, this platform is also an excellent way to draw attention to the potential of own products such as Google AdWords or YouTube.

Practical applications for Google Insights for Search and Google Trends

Complete strategies can be developed with the help of the worldwide or regional trend analyses. This can have an impact content marketing planning or distribution. Global trends can also help explain the success of marketing campaigns. In addition, the tool also offers the ability to recognize long-term or reoccuring trends. Major brands can use Google Trends to more accurately analyze brand awareness worldwide and predict trends so that they can respond with appropriate campaigns if necessary.

Benefits for SEO and Marketing

For a long time, Google Insights for Search received little attention. Now, the tool is increasingly used by SEOs and marketing experts as part of Google Trends. The insights it offers allow conclusions to be drawn about the needs of consumers. It also provides a preview of the popularity of upcoming search terms. As a result, users can align the content on their websites to their findings in Google Trends to receive more long term traffic.


  1. Thinkwithgoogle Accessed on 02.04.2014
