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How to Use Ryte Content Success

Ryte Content Success is a tool for helping users create relevant and engaging website content. It helps users every step of the content creation process, from getting keyword recommendations for keyword and topic inspiration, to providing suggestions for helping optimize written content.

Why is High Quality Content Important?

There are two simple answers as to why high quality content is so important these days:

  1. The number one goal of search engines is to provide relevant content for their users.

  2. Search engines are getting more intelligent by the day, therefore getting better and better at fulfilling their goal of providing relevant content.

People use search engines for finding answers to questions or solutions to problems, and the search engines want to be able to provide answers and solutions to fulfil the user’s requirements. In 2011, in response to falling standards in search results, Google implemented a new algorithm: the Panda Update. At the time, this affected 11.8% of search results, and it is constantly being improved. Google announced the Panda Update on the Webmaster Central Blog, explaining the reason behind it:

“Our goal is simple: to give people the most relevant answers to their queries as quickly as possible.” (Source)

This is why it’s so important to create relevant content for your users. Only high quality content will bring you top rankings, not texts stuffed with keywords. So how can you make sure your content is relevant? This is where Ryte Content Success can help!

Ryte Content Success at a glance

Ryte Content Success can support you in creating relevant, high quality content with many ways:

  • Get keyword inspiration and find important keywords for your topic.

  • Make your content more relevant than that of your competitors.

  • Improve and optimize your written content with the Content Editor.

TF*IDF Analysis

TF*IDF Analysis is for getting keyword inspiration for website texts. This shows you the most relevant keywords for your topic based on top ranking websites across the major search engines, helping you to find out what terms to include in your texts so that you can rank highly for your target keyword.

If you’re already using Ryte Content Success, TF*IDF will sound familiar. This upgraded version will help you create even better texts to appeal to your target group. Over 400 region filters are now available, so you can filter according to a specific region to appeal to a more specific target group. For example, do you want to appeal to Italian speakers in London? Set a filter for "Italian" and "London". Do you have a local business and want to attract local customers? Specify your city or region. Getting keyword recommendations with the filter for a particular city or region will show you the top ranking local search results.

Enter in your target keyword, set any appropriate filters, and get results for the most relevant keywords for your topic. Start writing!

This part of the tool is split into three features: Keyword Recommendations, Detail Mode, and Competition.

Figure 1: Enter your target keyword for a TF*IDF Analysis

Keyword Recommendations

We analyze results from top ranking websites across the major search engines and our content data corpus to identify the most relevant keywords. These are the keywords that have the highest average TF*IDF score. Showing the TF*IDF average score means that only keywords with a high document relevancy and low domain popularity are shown, i.e. words such as "and" and "the" do not have a high TF*IDF average score, because they are much too popular. Our keyword recommendations therefore shows you the most relevant terms for your business, topic, or industry.

The color code shows you the popularity of the terms within the top results. Brand keywords, for example, would have a high TF*IDF average score, because they would be relatively rare across the entirety of the internet, but they would only appear in few of the top results. You can use our keyword popularity filter to hide such keywords.

Figure 2: Keyword Recommendations for Search Engine Optimization

We use lemmatization to group together the related forms of a word so they can be analysed as a single item and give you smarter results. You can see all terms included in a group by hovering over the word, for example “search” includes “search”, “searching”, “searches” and “searched”.

If you see keywords that you do not think are relevant, you can add these to a list of ignored keywords and these will be removed from your list of recommendations.

TF*IDF in detail

Clicking on "Detail Mode" gives you more detail into the TF*IDF analysis, showing you how many times the keyword was mentioned, and on how many pages.

Figure 3: Direct comparison of your content within Detail Mode

You can also compare a URL to these results, either your own URL or that of a competitor to see how the content on this URL compares to the top rankings search results.

TF*IDF Competition

TF*IDF Competition helps you create better and more relevant content than your competitors, helping you improve your ranking positions. This feature provides information on the highest scoring keywords for your topic from the first page of the Google search results, and shows you the list of competitors from which this information comes. The competitors are listed at the top, and the blue circles show how often the competitors use each term - hover over the circles to get more detailed information. The size and color of the circles represents the importance of the terms based on a higher TF*IDF average score.

Figure 4: Direct comparison of your content with TF*IDF Competition

The results are then compared with a URL of your choosing from your project, meaning that you get a direct comparison between your content and that of your competitor’s.

In all three features, you can export the data to csv so you can use it later, or pass it on to your team members so they can implement the suggestions. Teamwork has never been so easy!

Content Editor

The Content Editor is for optimizing and improving your written content. It provides suggestions regarding what keywords you should add or remove, and can either be used for improving a finished text, or for providing ongoing suggestions whilst creating your content.

Figure 5: Enter your text into the Content Editor, and get keyword recommendations on the right hand side

Copy and paste your text into the box, and enter your target keyword into the bar on the right hand side. Click "Get recommendations" to receive immediate suggestions about what terms to add or remove so that you rank for your focus keyword. You’ll receive suggestions for both one-word and two-word keywords to imitate user and search engine behavior. After making improvements to your content, you can export it to html and then directly copy this onto your website, making it really easy for you to implement your improvements.

The Content Editor provides information about your content statistics, such as reading time, and number of words. If you notice that your content has a particularly long reading time, this is an indication that you should shorten the text. You don’t want your readers to get bored! You can also compare this with your Google Analytics statistics - if you notice that your average time on page is a lot lower than the reading time, you need to make your content more engaging!

The integration function with schema.org is a great way of conveying information to search engines about what terms you want to be visible for. The search engines have the information about your content before they start crawling your page, making it easier for them to provide relevant results to users, and it saves crawler resources. Add your schema.org tag, and this will be integrated into the source code when you export your content to html.

Figure 6: Optimize your text with the Content Editor

The last version of every piece of content you have optimized with this tool is saved, giving you a useful overview of your previous optimizations.

For more insights about how to use the Content Editor, check out this video.

The Advantages of Ryte Content Success

Ryte Content Success can support you in every step of your content creation process.

  • Before you start creating your content, go to Analyze to get keyword inspiration. Depending on your topic, think about whether the keyword ideas you receive can help you structure your content.

  • Then, go to the Content Editor. Either create your content here, or copy and paste your finished content. Get suggestions for what terms to add or remove.

  • TF*IDF Competition shows you how you compare to your competitors. Implement suggestions to be the best!

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Published on May 9, 2018 by Olivia Willson