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5 Minute Introduction to the Ryte Software

Have you just registered for a Ryte account, and now you’re wondering where to start with this comprehensive software? Read on for some useful insights about what you should do first.

Start a Crawl

The first thing to do is to start a crawl. When you log in, click on the arrow next to your project in the top right hand corner, and click on settings.


Figure 1: Click on settings in the top right hand corner of the dashboard

This is where you configure the settings of your crawl. You can decide how many URLs you want to analyze, how fast the analysis should be, and what should be analyzed, for example whether the crawler should obey your robots.txt file.

Decide what should be crawled

Figure 2: Decide what should be crawled

You can also set up monthly crawls automatically, which we recommend. Click on "schedule" at the bottom left hand corner and choose monthly.

If you have a free account, you can carry out 1 crawl per month, and with all other accounts you have unlimited crawls.

Schedule monthly crawls

Figure 3: Schedule monthly crawls

The Dashboard

The next step is to look at the results of your crawl on your dashboard – here, the results are presented in an easy overview. You can derive optimization measures, and most importantly, you can see on the dashboard if any aspect of your website needs urgent attention.


Figure 4: The Dashboard gives you an overview of your website KPIs

The dashboard contains a lot of information, so let’s break it down:

Site health and overview

This section in the top right-hand corner of the dashboard shows details regarding your website health. If you see a warning sign (yellow triangle with exclamation mark) or a red cross, this means you need to look at something in more detail. If you see any problems with your website health, that is where you should start.

Firstly, you can see whether your website was completely analyzed or not. If you don’t see a tick here, you should try and find out why. There are many reasons why your site may not have been completely crawled – for example, if you have a free account, a maximum of 100 URLs will be crawled. Or, if you’ve instructed the crawler to obey the robots.txt, some URLs won’t be crawled for this reason. Read on below in the section "RYTE Website Success" for troubleshooting this problem.

  • Homepage indexable: if you see a cross here, your homepage is currently not indexable. This urgently needs to be fixed - otherwise users won’t find your homepage when searching on Google!

  • Sitemap xml: a cross here shows that the crawler didn’t find a sitemap. Having a sitemap means that Google can crawl and index your website more quickly and efficiently.

  • Robots.txt: If you see a cross here, this means we didn’t find a robots.txt file - a problem that should be sorted out immediately! A warning sign means that it has changed since the last analysis. (Read here to find out how you can monitor your robots.txt file with Ryte.)

  • SSL encryption: don’t be surprised to see a warning sign here: this means that your website is encrypted, but still contains non-encrypted elements.

OnPage Score and Critical Errors

In the center of the dashboard, the KPIs critical errors and OnPage Score are shown. When you combine your Ryte account with your Google Search Console data (more information on this below), you will also see your indexed pages, impressions, clicks, and real google visibility. After a crawl, you can see whether the values have decreased or increased since the last crawl.

  • Critical errors: If you have any critical errors such as 404 status codes or broken images, click on this KPI and you will be taken straight to the critical error report to give you more detail.

  • OnPage Score: the OPS is a value between 0 and 100 showing you the optimization status of your website.

The next step is to look into the tools RYTE Website Success, RYTE Search Success and RYTE Content Success, and utilize the reports in these modules to find further optimization measures.

RYTE Website Success

RYTE Website Success helps you create a technically perfect website for users and search engines. Your data is shown in a clear overview, and flexible filtering means you can customize reports based on your individual needs.

When going into the tool, look at the menu on the left-hand side to see the available reports.

RYTE Website Success

Figure 5: RYTE Website Success

These are a few of the most useful reports for fixing technical issues on your website:

  • Critical error report: This report shows you how many serious errors your website contains, for example 4xx and 5xx server errors.

  • Indexability report: Find out here how many pages of your website are indexable. Read here for further detail about Ryte’s indexability report.

  • Single Page Analysis: This provides you with comprehensive information for an individual URL, including any serious errors, information regarding mobile optimization, security, whether images contain alt tags, and loads more important KPIs.

RYTE Search Success

RYTE Search success provides you with detailed and Google-conform information regarding your visibility in Google. Monitor keywords, Google rankings, and international search performance based on real Google data.

You can also compare organic Google traffic across different devices, identify ranking potential in Google, and save Google Search Console data indefinitely. To make the most of this tool, connect your Google Search Console account with your Ryte project.

Ryte recently released an updated version of this tool - find more details here!

RYTE Search Success

Figure 6: Reports available in search success

RYTE Content Success

This tool helps you create excellent content, improve written content for higher search engine rankings, and find keyword inspiration. If this is what you’re looking for, RYTE Content Success is a great place to start.

Enter the keyword you want to rank for into the text report for a TF*IDF analysis, and you’ll see the terms that are used by the top-ranking websites in Google for your chosen keyword. These are terms you should think about including in your texts if you also want to rank for this keyword.

TF*IDF analysis with Ryte

Figure 7: TF*IDF analysis for "SEO 2018"


Ryte is a comprehensive software that can provide you with detailed information about all aspects of your website. Try out the different reports in the different modules and start optimizing your website!

Ryte users gain +93% clicks after 1 year. Learn how!

Published on Feb 22, 2018 by Olivia Willson