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Ryte Suite 5.2 is here!

We’re so excited to announce the release of Ryte Suite Version 5.2! This version includes 10 features to help you improve your visibility in search engines, ramp up your teamwork efforts, and even reduce the carbon footprint of your website. Read on to find out about the 10 exciting features included with Ryte Suite 5.2!

1. Google Top 10 Tests

It often goes unnoticed by webmasters when Google is testing their webpages on page 1 of the SERPs. Yet this is the most valuable opportunity to see an uplift in traffic to your website! With this new feature “Google Top 10 Tests”, you get a notification as soon as your site is being tested on page 1 of the SERPs, so you carry out some optimisations to ensure you stay there. Capitalising on these top 10 tests is the best way to increase traffic and users to your site with little effort!

Learn more about Google Top 10 Tests.

2. Carbon Calculator

We’re really proud of our carbon calculator, part of our Website Carbon Neutral Program as it’s helping raise awareness of sustainability and how the internet is contributing to global warming. Based on various factors, the carbon calculator measures the estimated carbon footprint of your website, and provides the opportunity to offset these carbon emissions by participating in a carbon offset project planting bamboos in Nicaragua. Most importantly, with the tools of the Ryte platform, you can reduce your website’s carbon footprint long term by identifying opportunities like performance improvements that will help improve the efficiency of your website.

Participating in the program means you gain a Website Carbon Neutral Badge - raising awareness to your friends, employees and customers and showing that you care about sustainability and a healthy planet for future generations.

Learn more about the Website Carbon Neutral program.

3. Integration of Google Search Console Data

We have now integrated Google Search Console data into our reports! This is a major milestone as you can now see traffic metrics for your crawl data! By understanding how much organic traffic issues are costing you, you can more easily prioritise optimizations you want to work on.

Learn more about the integration.

4. Fresh GSC Data

With this new feature, we made GSC data available for the previous day. This means no more 2-day delays in reporting your KPIs on Monday mornings! Impress your clients, speed up workflows and get faster insights into your GSC data so you can react swiftly to any irregularities.

5. Save and Share Reports

The ability to save & share reports under Search Engine Optimisation is revolutionising teamwork!! This means you can save reports directly in the user interface of Search Engine Optimisation and share the reports easily with your colleagues. Access your reports and don’t spend time setting up the same filters over and over again.

Learn more here.

6. Invite users to projects with one click

Inviting new users to projects wasn’t the easiest of processes in the past. Now, you can invite your colleagues to projects directly via one button on the dashboard!

7. More advice on how to achieve your goals

One of our major aims is to provide you, our users, with the best experience possible with the Ryte Suite. One way we want to achieve this is to provide personalised onboarding experiences. Now, we provide videos on the project dashboard helping you achieve your goals.

8. Global filter

Global filters are a super nifty way of applying filters to all of the data that is imported into Search Engine Optimisation, allowing you to view only the most relevant data for your analyses. For example, if you want to focus on a specific market, you can set a global filter for the country so that the filter is automatically set for every report under Search Engine Optimisation. Avoid having to set the same filters over and over again!

9. Search Engine Optimisation API Improvements

You can now retrieve more data from the Search Engine Optimisation API than ever before. Get every single keyword that is ranking for a URL to incorporate into your workflow. If you’re interested in trying out the Search Engine Optimisation API, get in touch with us.

10. Paypal introduced as a new payment method

Account owners can now pay via PayPal, meaning a better overview of payments, less stress, and more efficiency.


We hope you enjoy using the features included in Ryte Suite Version 5.2. If you would like to provide any feedback, please join our user involvement program, where you will also be given the chance to participate in beta testing of new features! If any of these features sound interesting to you, but you don’t have a Ryte account, you can sign up for a free trial anytime. Just click on the link below. Or book a demo here!

Ryte users gain +93% clicks after 1 year. Learn how!

Published on Sep 27, 2021 by Olivia Willson